Major Language Families in the World 1. Indo European family The Indo-European language family is the largest, with Germanic, Latin, Slavic, Baltic, Indian, Iranian and other languages. Apart from Asia (excluding South Asian countries), most countries on all continents use Indo-European languages as their mother tongues or official languages. The number of users is about 4 billion, accounting for 70% of the world's population. The Indo-European language family can be divided into: Latin: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian. Germanic: Including English, German, Dutch and the main languages of Scandinavia. Slavic: Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Serbian, etc. The Baltic languages include Latvian and Lithuanian. The Hindu language family includes Sanskrit, Hindi, Bali, and the Darovita branch (the languages of southern India all belong to this branch). The Iranian language family includes Persian, Afghan and so on. The language of the Caucasian language family is distributed in the Caucasus, and the main languages are Georgian, Chechen and so on. The Urals are divided into Finnish and Ugric. The former includes Finnish and Estonian, while the latter includes Hungarian and Mansi. 2:. Sino Tibetan language family It is the second largest language after Indo-European. The number of users is about 1.5 billion. The following are Chinese and Tibetan-Burmese, Zhuang-Dong, Miao-Yao languages, including Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, Karen, Zhuang, Miao and Yao. It also includes Altaic languages such as West Altaic and East Altaic. The former includes Turkish languages and Chuwashi languages in the former Soviet Union, while the latter includes Mongolian and Evenkian languages in the former Soviet Union. 3: non Family Languages: It includes languages of other countries except Eurasian and North-South America. African and Pacific countries use the language. Nile-Saharan: The languages of northern and Western Africa. Niger-Congolese: Mainly the languages of central African countries, such as Niger, Congolese, Swahili and so on. Coysan language family: mainly the languages of southern and Eastern Africa, mainly Hotundu (*), Bushman (South Africa, etc.), and Sandawi (Tanzania, etc.). Semitic-Semitic (Semitic-Semitic). It is mainly used in the Middle East. It is divided into Semitic and Containing Languages. The former includes Hebrew and Arabic, while the latter includes ancient Egyptian and Hausa. South Island Language Family: There are mainly languages of Southeast Asia and Pacific island countries, such as Indonesian, Malay, Javan, Fiji, Maori, etc. Native Indian languages of North and South America. Such as Mayan, Eskimo-Aleutian, etc. A Brief Introduction to the Main Languages of the World English English belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Germanic family of the Indo-European family. The Indo-European Language Family is the largest in the world, including more than ten languages, mainly distributed in Europe, America and Asia. Indo-European languages account for about one seventh of the world's population. Of all the languages, English is the closest to German, Dutch and Germanic in Scandinavia. English originated in Western Europe. Nowadays, English has become the largest vocabulary and the most widely used language in the world. At the same time, it is also the language closest to human common language. According to the number of native speakers of English, English may be the third or fourth largest language in the world (370 million people are native speakers of English in the world at present, according to the 21st Century in May 1996), but it is the most widely used second language in the world, the number of which is second only to Chinese. As early as the Versailles Conference in 1919, English became the most important language in the field of diplomacy. English is the main working language of countless international organizations, from the International Olympic Committee to the United Nations. Russian Russian is the national language of the Russians, as well as the official language of the former Soviet Union and the present Russian Federation. It belongs to the Eastern Branch of the Slavic Language Group of the Indo-European Language Family. More than 140 million people use Russian as their mother tongue worldwide, while nearly 45 million people use it as a second language. Modern Russian is basically divided into two major dialect areas: the North Russian dialect area and the South Russian dialect area. In the middle of the two dialect areas, there are mixed * dialect areas. The standard language is based on the Moscow language in the * dialect area. It has forty-two phonemes, including six vowels (vowels) and thirty-six consonants (consonants). Consonants can be divided into clear, soft and hard phonemes, and vowels weaken in non-stressed syllables. Japanese There are many theories about the origin of Japanese. Many scholars believe that Japanese is close to Altaic languages such as Turkish and Mongolian in terms of syntax. Japanese is widely recognized for its similarity in syntax with Korean. There is also evidence that Japanese lexicon and vocabulary were prehistorically influenced by the Malay-Polynesian language to the south. Japan has a population of more than 120 million. Linguistically speaking, Japan is almost a single nation, with more than 99% of the population speaking the same language. This means that Japanese is the sixth largest language in the world. However, Japanese is rarely spoken outside Japan. Although Japanese and Chinese speak different languages, the writing system of Japanese comes from Chinese. * The translation company has rich experience in Japanese translation, mainly in the fields of petroleum, machinery and machinery. |